Cross-curricular topic
Learning how to learn - impresum
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teaching scenario

Drama techniques in teaching

Authorship and Publication Credits

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Project manager: Mirta Ambruš Maršić Head of digital educational content production for cross-curricular topic “Learning how to learn”: Natalia Dujić

Consultant on ICT use in activities addressing cross-curricular topics: Damir Belavić

Authors of individual activities and interactive content for students in this teaching scenario:

Nataša Sajko (Croatian activity), Petra Blajić (English activity), Andrea Brzac (German activity), Jelena Huzanić (Latin activity), Dubravka Granulić (Extracurricular activity)

Author of sections describing how individual activities can be adapted to support special education needs students: Klara Matejčić

Expert for accessibility aspects: Nikola Rundek

Producer of interactive content for students: Mladen Panić

Reviewer of subject accuracy and teaching methodology for Croatian activity: Ivan Kardum

Reviewer of subject accuracy and teaching methodology for English activity: Ivana Škarica Mital

Reviewer of subject accuracy and teaching methodology for German activity: Anita Križanac Rašić

Reviewer of subject accuracy and teaching methodology for Latin activity: Nada Lodeta

Reviewer of cross-curricular topic aspects: Jadranka Bizjak Igrec

Reviewer of sections describing how individual activities can be adapted to support special education needs students: Sanja Barić

Project coordinator: Željka Budimlić

Video producer and editor: Ivana Čoh

Proofreader: Mirjana Blažičko

Photographs and video material sourced from: Shutterstock

Teaching scenarios produced by: Profil Klett d.o.o.

Teaching scenarios commissioned by: Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET

Year of production: 2020

Contact us for more information:

Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET

tel.: +385 1 6661 500

Josipa Marohnića 5, 10000 Zagreb