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7.2 Families of the World

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1 We are all the same

Look at the video and select the main point.

A family is a group of people related to one another. Families come in many different sizes and combinations, and there are no right or wrong ways how a family should look. Families must love and take care of each other. Nuclear families are families that consist of parents and their children. Some kids have families with just one parent. Others live with extended families where many people, such as grandparents, uncles or aunts live together. Some families don’t have children at all. Some people adopt children. Children can be of different races or religion from their adoptive parents. Whatever a family is like, it is still a family. So, never forget, we are all different but we are still the same as long as we love each other.

2 Answer

Answer the questions. Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.

3 Matching halves

Match two parts of sentences.

4 Your family

Who do you live with? Draw the members of your family and speak about them. Who are they? What are they like? What do they look like?


5 Procjena usvojenosti ishoda

5.1 My lovely family

Read the text about Anika's family and select True or False.

Hello! My name is Anika. I am five years old. I am from Africa but I live in Sweden. This is my lovely family. It is small but we are very happy.
My mother’s name is Anna and my father is Marian. My mother has got blond hair and she is always smiling. My father is tall and thin, and he is a funny person. I am adopted because my parents can’t have children. They always say I am their miracle. They are mine, too. We love each other very much. I also have many cousins. I play with them all the time. I have a brother in Africa. My parents say he will live with us, too. I can’t wait!

Anika is from Sweden.
She hasn’t got a brother.
She has got a small but happy family.
Anika is adopted.
She hasn’t got many cousins.

5.2 Answer II

Answer the following questions about the text. Use full sentences.

5.3 Opposites

Match the opposites.