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3.4 Home sweet home

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1 Write

How much do you remember? Where do people live? Write the words for different homes. You have one minute.

2 Read and match

Read the texts and match them to the pictures.

3 Read and decide

Read the sentences. Are they True, False or Doesnt’t say?

There are five children in the text: three girls and two boys.

Nobody lives near a shopping centre.

People in the texts live on three different continents.

Only one person lives in a flat.

4 Drag and drop

Finish the sentences with the correct name of the contintent. There is one continent you don't need.

Charlie lives in
Anka lives in
Lindsey lives in
Akari lives in

5 Reorder and speak

Reorder the words to make questions. Then answer them. Speak.

6 Your turn

Which home do you like best? Why? Speak.