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1.5 My special skills

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1 Your job

What kind of job do you want to have one day? Read the article below and then answer the questions.

Usually, having a job means you get up at 7 a.m. and drive to work by 8 a.m. Later, you have lunch and then you work again. Finally, you finish work at about 5 p.m. and then go home to have dinner with your family.
My job is nothing like that. It is special and I love it! I’m a furniture tester. This means I don’t drive to work at 8 a.m. or sit in an office. In fact, I spend most of the day resting on sofas, chairs or beds in furniture factories. As long as the furniture is not made of cactus, this job is pretty cool. You have to sit, wriggle and sleep on the furniture to assess its comfort. This job is so cool that it is weird.
I fly to many different destinations in the world as a part of this job and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. My best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch through Twitter and email. When I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner.

2 Vowels

Complete the words below with vowels (a / e / i / o / u) by writing the full word.

3 About Thomas

Thomas Heaton is a professional landscape photographer and content creator. What do you think his ordinary day looks like? Watch the video, find out and select True or False.

4 More about Thomas

Watch the video again and choose the correct answer.

5 Find someone who...

Do a research among your friends. Ask questions like:

What would you like to do on a boat?
Why would you like to work there?
Why would you like to work with people?

Check your spelling with the check button.

Classmate’s name Additional information (Who?, What?, Where?, Why?, When?, How?)
Wants to work on a boat
Wants to work with computers
Wants to work with people
Wants to work in an office
Wants a job with a high salary
Wants to do something else for living