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2.4 Daily routine

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1 Sort out the words

Sort out these words to get daily routines.


2 Julie’s day

Listen about Julie’s day. Put the pictures in the correct order.

I wake up at 6 o'clock. It is early but I have school in the morning.

Then, I get dressed and make my bed. It is 7 o'clock already.

I have breakfast with my family at half past seven.

School starts at eight o'clock. I go to school by bus.

At quarter to two I come back from school. I usually have lunch with my family.

In the afternoon, I play outside. Usually, I play with my friends in the playground. It is half past four.

Then, I do my homework and I learn for school. I usually study Maths. I love numbers! It is quarter past six.

At six o'clock I play some games or just surf the net. I like playing sudoku online. It's all about numbers.

At eight o’clock I have dinner. We like family dinners. It can be a bit noisy sometimes.

At nine o'clock, I go to bed. I usually make plans for tomorrow in bed. Plans are cool, as well as numbers!

3 Put the clocks in order

Listen again. This time, arrange the clocks.

I wake up at 6 o'clock. It is early but I have school in the morning.

Then, I get dressed and make my bed. It is 7 o'clock already.

I have breakfast with my family at half past seven.

School starts at eight o'clock. I go to school by bus.

At quarter to two I come back from school. I usually have lunch with my family.

In the afternoon, I play outside. Usually, I play with my friends in the playground. It is half past four.

Then, I do my homework and I learn for school. I usually study Maths. I love numbers! It is quarter past six.

At six o'clock I play some games or just surf the net. I like playing sudoku online. It's all about numbers.

At eight o’clock I have dinner. We like family dinners. It can be a bit noisy sometimes.

At nine o'clock, I go to bed. I usually make plans for tomorrow in bed. Plans are cool, as well as numbers!

4 Talk about it

Talk about Julie’s day. Use the clocks from above to describe Julie’s day:

  • Julie wakes up at...
  • She...

Telling the time

It's ... o' clock It's five past ...
It's ten past ... It's (a) quarter past ...
It's twenty past ... It's twenty-five past ...
It's half past ... It's twenty-five to ...
It's twenty to ... It's (a) quarter to ...
It's ten to ... It's five to ...
It's ... o' clock
It's five past ...
It's ten past ...
It's (a) quarter past ...
It's twenty past ...
It's twenty-five past ...
It's half past ...
It's twenty-five to ...
It's twenty to ...
It's (a) quarter to ...
It's ten to ...
It's five to ...


We use AT+TIME when giving the time of a specific event.
- The class starts at nine o’clock.
- The flight leaves at ten to three.
3:00 It’s three o’clock.
3:05 It’s five past three.
3:10 It’s ten past three.
3:15 It’s quarter past three.
3:20 It’s twenty past three.
3:25 It’s twenty-five past three.
We us IT IS or IT'S to answer a question that asks for the time right now.
- What time is it? – It is three o’clock.
- What’s the time? It's ten to four.
3:30 It’s half past three.
3:35 It’s twenty-five to four.
3:40 It’s twenty to four.
3:45 It’s quarter to four.
3:50 It’s ten to four.
3:55 It’s five to four.

5 It’s your turn

It’s your turn now. What’s the time? Can you finish the game?

It is quarter to two.

It is ten past eight.

It is half past one.

6 Write about jobs

Look at the different jobs and write three sentences next to each picture to describe what people do. For example: A bus driver. He drives a vehicle. He wears a uniform. He picks people around. Check your spelling with the check button.

A bus driver
A cook
A doctor
A firefighter
A footballer
A hairdresser

7 Who does what?

Time to talk. Who does what? Describe the jobs. Use the template below.

__________ is a person who___________.

Ex. a doctor is a person who helps sick people.
Check your spelling with the check button.

And what do they do?

8 Match them

Match the words and the pictures.

9 Mini project time!

Turn your hobby into your job. Go online and find out about your dream job. Make a poster and present it in class.