What does the word "volunteering" mean? Choose the correct explanation.
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje čitanjem tekstova o volonterskim organizacijama kroz rješavanje različitih tipova zadataka.
- Učenik istražuje volonterske organizacije u svom okruženju.
- Učenik daje prijedlog volonterskih akcija u školi u govoru.
1 Volunteering
Giving advice for some problems.
Writing letters online.
Offering to work without getting money.
Working with children in a kindergarten.
Helping others freely.
2 Volunteering for kids
Match titles and texts. You won't need one title.
3 True or False
Read the sentences and decide if they are True or False.
Two organisations take care of animals.
Sometimes children need to ask their parents to volunteer.
Old people only need food.
You need to be eighteen years old to get a driving licence.
Working with animals is also good for people. .
4 Charities aroud you
Find out about charities nearby. Maybe you can help, too. Here are some quotes about volunteering. Think about what they mean.
"Volunteers are not paid - not because they are worthless but because they are priceless." - Sherry Anderson
"Wherever there is a human being, there is a reason for a kindness." - Senecas
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” - William Shakespeare
“What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” - Aristotles
5 Volunteering II
What do volunteers do? Match the words and pictures.
6 Make a difference
What can you do at your school? Do you have a volunteering club at your school? Can you organise a volunteering event? What would you do? Share your ideas with your friends. Organise a volunteering event.