Match the words and pictures.
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje slušanjem rješavanjem različitih tipova zadataka.
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje čitanjem rješavanjem različitih tipova zadataka.
- Učenik imenuje načine uništenja i onečišćenja okoliša.
- Učenik imenuje ugrožene životinje i navodi razloge ugroženosti.
- Učenik imenuje dijelove tijela životinja.
- Učenici kreira plakat sa Do's i Don'ts za očuvanje okoliša koristeći imperativ.
1 Environmental problems
2 Endangered animals
Look at the photos of the animals. What do you think what are their natural habitats? Click on the correct name of their habitat.
Bornean orangutan
Hawksbill turtle
3 Check these words
Before reading and listening to the text check the meaning of these words. If you are still not sure what they mean look them up in the dictionary (rječnik).
Extinct, endangered, species, exist, reason, horrible, skull, shell, hunt, sell, jellyfish, destroy, pollution, important.
4 Hawksbill turtle and Bornean orangutan
Read and listen to the text.
An endangered species is any kind of wildlife that is in danger of going extinct in its natural habitat. Animals that don’t exist anymore are extinct. There are different reasons why animals are endangered. Logging or deforestation is one of them.
People cut trees to create more living space, to use wood in different industries, or simply for heating. This is how the Bornean orangutan is losing its natural habitat. Another horrible reason why orangutans are endangered is because people kill them and sell their skulls to tourists. Unfortunately, sea turtles are endangered for the same reason. People hunt them and sell their shells. They are also endangered due to pollution. They eat jellyfish and when they see a plastic bag floating in the sea, they think it’s food. They can’t swallow it and end up choking on it.
Planet Earth is our only habitat and every animal is important. We can all help save our planet - don’t hunt animals, don’t buy animal souvenirs, and don’t destroy or pollute the environment.
An endangered species is any kind of wildlife that is in danger of going extinct in its natural habitat. Animals that don’t exist anymore are extinct. There are different reasons why animals are endangered. Logging or deforestation is one of them.
People cut trees to create more living space, to use wood in different industries, or simply for heating. This is how the Bornean orangutan is losing its natural habitat. Another horrible reason why orangutans are endangered is because people kill them and sell their skulls to tourists. Unfortunately, sea turtles are endangered for the same reason. People hunt them and sell their shells. They are also endangered due to pollution. They eat jellyfish and when they see a plastic bag floating in the sea, they think it’s food. They can’t swallow it and end up choking on it.
Planet Earth is our only habitat and every animal is important. We can all help save our planet - don’t hunt animals, don’t buy animal souvenirs, and don’t destroy or pollute the environment.
5 Choose the correct word
Fill in the sentences with the correct word.
6 Animals - body parts
Look at the pictures of endangered animals and choose the correct name for their body parts.
7 Match
Match the opposites.
8 Make sentences
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences about how to save our environment.
9 Make a poster
Use these expressions to create a poster about DO's and DON'Ts to save our environment.
You can use this tool to help you: Adobe Spark
10 Procjena usvojenosti ishoda jedinice
10.1 Watch
Let's save these five most endangered species in the world:
Hawksbill turtles, one of the oldest living species on planet Earth, are in danger because people hunt them to sell their valuable shells.
Because of deforestation in Africa, there are only 200-300 Cross River gorillas left there. The Bornean orangutan is endangered because people destroy its home - the rainforest.
The Black rhino is the second most endangered animal because of its horn that people sell.
The world's most endangered animal is the Amur leopard, which lives in Russia. There are only 60 of them left due to deforestation and people hunting them for their beautiful fur.
Watch the video to find out about endangered species. Put the animals in the order they appear in the video.
10.2 True or False
Read the text and decide if the sentences are True or False.
People hunt Hawksbill Turtles for food.
The Cross River Gorilla and the Bornean Orangutan are endangered because of logging.
Some people pay a lot of money for Black Rhino horns.
The Amur Leopard lives in America.
10.3 DO's and DON'T's
Match the sentences to the pictures.