Choose the pictures that are important for cooking. Give arguments for your choice. Use "because" in your arguments. Speak.
Example: Grocery store because we buy food there.
- Učenik imenuje namirnice i nazive za posuđe.
- Učenik uočava razliku između zdrave i nezdrave salate
- Učenik piše recepte.
1 Argument your choice
2 Recipe ingredients
Read the recipe. Look in the fridge and in the cupboard and decide what you need to buy to make the cake.
- 3 yoghurt cups of flour
- 1 yoghurt cup of caster sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2 cups of yoghurt
- 1/2 yoghurt cup olive oil
- 1 grated lemon peel
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 1 baking powder
- pinch of salt
3 Verbs and utensils
Match the words to the pictures to check their meaning.
4 Method
Read the recipe for a cake and fill it in with the appropriate verb. Then listen and check.
Put three eggs into a bowl. Add sugar and mix with an electric mixer.
Add yogurt and mix again.
Add the rest of the ingredients: flour, baking powder, oil, a pinch of salt and grated lemon peel. Mix again.
Pour the mix into a round mould.
Put it in the oven at 180 C.
Bake it for 45 minutes. Don't open the oven while baking.
5 The cake
What does your cake look like when it's finished? Choose the correct photo. Explain your choice.
6 Kitchen utensils
What is there in the kitchen? Play and learn.
7 Salads
Read the two recipes and decide which one is healthier.
8 A or B, C or D
Read the sentences and decide if they are true for salad A or B, and C or D.
There are three different vegetables in the salad.
There are two orange vegetables in the salad.
If you add the numbers, you'll get seven.
There is one orange in the salad.
There is meat in the salad.
9 On the table
What is there on the table? Finish the sentences with There is/ There isn't/ There are/ There aren't.
10 Butter and honey sandwich
Put the instructions in the correct order to make a butter and honey sandwich.