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6.5 Schools out of schools

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1 Different places, different schools

Where can children have school lessons except at schools? Share your ideas with your classmates.

2 Hospital schools

Listen to the recording and do the task. Decide if the sentences are True or False.

Hospitals in Switzerland employ teachers to educate school-age patients when they stay in hospital for more than a week. They have one-on-one lessons or go to a class for the main subjects: Maths, German, English and French. The hospital teachers consult the teacher teaching the grade that the pupil attends.

For longer hospital stays, teachers help patients stay in touch with their own class or find a new way of schooling.

Switzerland is in Europe.

Healthy children have lessons in hospitals.

All sick children have lessons in hospitals.

Some sick children have one-to-one lessons and some are in a class.

If students stay in hospital for a long time they have to stay in contact with their own class alone.

3 Boat school

Listen to the recording and choose the correct words.

During monsoon season in Bangladesh, almost 70% of the country is under water and a lot of children can’t get to school. This is when floating schools help. The school boat picks up the children along the Atrai River. When the boat classroom is full, the boat docks and children have lessons. After the lessons, the boat brings children back home and then grabs another group of children for lessons in the afternoon.

Bangladesh is in .

During floods almost of the country is under water.

Boat schools help during .

When the boat classroom is full, the boat .

After the lessons in the morning, they have lessons in the .

4 Train platform school in India

Read the text and choose the correct ending.

India is a big country with over a billion of people. Millions of these people use trains to travel. This is why India has many trains and many train platforms. A lot of poor people live near these train platforms. They can’t send their children to school and the children have to help make money somehow, so they go to the train platforms to beg for money. Students come when they can and leave when they need to. They learn reading, maths and how to live a healthy life.

India has a lot of trains and train platforms because .
Near the train platforms .
Poor people can't .
The children have to beg .
The students come to school .
It's important to teach them how .

5 Share your thoughts

What do you think about these different schools? Which school is the most important? What are the good and bad things about these schools?