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4.3 What do they do?

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1 Jobs

Play the memory game. Match the pictures and the words.


We use indefinite articles (a, an) with job titles
John is a doctor. Mary is training to be an engineer.

2 Matching

Match the jobs and their description.

3 Choose

Choose the correct verb form from the dropdown menu.

A cartoonist cartoons.

A pianist the piano.

A writer stories and books.

A singer for a living.

A film director films.

4 And what do they do?

It is your turn to talk about different jobs. First, look at the jobs below and describe them - talk about them. What do these people do? After you have talked about them, click on the drop-down list to check your answer.


5 Cool jobs

Watch the YouTube video and choose the correct answer. Remember that you can stop or watch the video again if you need.

6 Crossword

Read the clues and solve the crossword puzzle.