Count to one hundred. Use the table below.
- Učenik broji do 100.
- Učenik stavlja brojeve u redoslijed prema slikovnom predlošku.
- Učenik izvodi jednostavne matematičke operacije na engleskom jeziku.
- Učenik se upoznaje s jednostavnim matematičkim operacijama (zbrajanje i oduzimanje, množenje i dijeljenje).
- Učenik rješava jezično jednostavne matematičke zadatke riječima kao i jedan problemski zadatak.
- Učenik rješava matematičke zadatke ponuđene na engleskom jeziku.
1 Count to one hundred
Counting to one hundred |
1 | One |
2 | Two |
3 | Three |
4 | Four |
5 | Five |
6 | Six |
7 | Seven |
8 | Eight |
9 | Nine |
10 | Ten |
11 | Eleven |
12 | Twelve |
13 | Thirteen |
20 | Twenty |
21 | Twenty-one |
30 | Thirty |
40 | Forty |
50 | Fifty |
60 | Sixty |
70 | Seventy |
80 | Eighty |
90 | Ninety |
100 | Hundred |
2 Order the numbers
Put the numbers in the correct order, from the smallest to the biggest.
3 Colour your puzzle
Colour your puzzle. Use the number order key below. Select a
color and then choose the right number
from the puzzle to reveal the

- Which number comes after twenty four? Color it blue.
- What is fifteen plus eight? Color it yellow.
- What is five times three? Color it red.
- Which number comes after sixteen? Color it orange.
- Which number comes before twenty three? Color it green.
- What is twenty divided by four? Color it purple.
- What is five times nine? Color it brown.
- What is a hundred minus fifteen? Color it white.
- What is twenty five minus thirteen? Color it black.
4 Riddles
Listen to the math riddles. Type in your answers below and check your results.
If there are 4 oranges and you take away 3, how many would you have?
Mr. Black has 3 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Black have?
Mr. McDonald has 17 sheep. All but 9 die. How many sheep does Mr. McDonald have left?
Take a look at your telephone's number pad. Multiply all the numbers. What number will you get?
There are 4 branches on a tree. There are 4 nests on every branch. There are 2 birds in every nest. How many birds are there all together?