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7.5 A day in my shoes

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1 Ability or disability?

What is the difference between a disability and an ability? Watch the video and complete the definitions.

is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to do usual daily activities.
is a skill to do something.


International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) is a United Nations day celebrated internationally on December 3 each year.

2 Listening comprehension

Watch the video again and fill in the gaps. Use: disabilities, 8, hear, 10, autism, 11, ADHD.

3 Listening comprehension II

Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. If you need to, watch the video again.

Esther can .

Arron can .

Ryzen can .

Every child is .

Every child brings to the world.

4 Sign language

Try to introduce yourself in sign language. Do a research on your own. You can use online tutorials or this link.

5 Do you know them?

Read about celebrities and fill in the gaps in the exercise below.

Michael Phelps has ADHD from childhood. He has 22 Olympic medals in swimming - the most of any athlete in history.

Justin Timberlake, a famous singer and actor has OCD and ADD. He organizes everything perfectly. He also only allows certain foods in his fridge.

Lead guitarist of the legendary rock band, The Who, Pete Townshend is completely deaf in one ear but he still plays.

Pop star Katy Perry suffers from OCD. She brushes her teeth 4-6 times a day.

David Beckham also has OCD. He has to reorganize hotel rooms in order to feel comfortable.

in one ear.
They are true heroes, aren't they?


ADHD Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
OCD Obsessive–compulsive disorder
ADD Attention deficit disorder