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2.3 Meet my class

Moći ću...

1 What are they doing?

2 Who is doing what?

Look at the image above and choose the right names for each sentence.

3 Fill in

Look at the image again and fill in the missing words.

computer games.
Tina and Tim
the board.
the register.
the book.
George and Gina

4 Select the correct answer

Read the sentences and select the correct answer.

It is eight o'clock in the morning. The children in the classroom.

Gary has got his earphones on. He listening to music.

Cindy and Colin are in a hurry. They writing their homework.

Tony is standing by the bin. He sharpening his pencil.

Tina and Tim cleaning the board.

Sandy standing by the teacher's desk.

She holding a register.

Some children talking.

The bell ringing.

"Hurry up! Mr. Calculus coming!"

5 Listen and choose

There are classrooms that are a bit different. What are the pupils doing? Listen and choose the correct answer.

The Mountain View is a school for pupils with hearing disabilities. Look! They are having geography. The teacher is using sign language. She is talking at the same time because there are pupils who can still hear what she is saying. Carlos is searching for an interactive world map on the smart screen. Nora and Noah are moving their desk to see their teacher better. Maria is taking her tablet out of her backpack. Oleg is leaving the classroom. He has speech therapy at 10. He is sad because the class is working on a big project. They are doing research about global warming.

6 Procjena usvojenosti ishoda jedinice

6.1 Complete with "There is" / "There are"

6.2 Select the correct answer.

A) Tom reading the newspaper.

B) Nick cleaning the windows.

C) The girls playing with the dolls.

D) The cat climbing the tree.

E) The birds singing.

F) The ducks swimming.

G) Grandmother drinking tea.

6.3 Choose the right statement for the image.