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5.1 At the doctor's

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1 Body

Click and choose the words for the body parts you can see in the image.


eye-eyes ear-ears leg-legs
tooth-teeth foot-feet

2 At the doctor's

Listen to the conversation and select True or False.

ANTONY: I’d like to see the doctor, please.

RECEPTIONIST: Do you have an appointment? What’s your name?

ANTONY: No, I don’t have an appointment. My name is Antony March. I need Doctor Liu.

RECEPTIONIST: Doctor Liu is absent all morning, and all the other doctors are fully booked.

ANTONY: Oh, no. I am very ill. I feel awful.

RECEPTIONIST: Well, you can sit and wait if you want to.

RECEPTIONIST: Antony, the doctor will see you now. Please go to room number 2.

DOCTOR LIU: Good morning, Mr. March. What is wrong?

ANTONY: Morning. I feel very ill. I am coughing and sneezing, I feel hot, then cold, then hot again, and food makes me sick.

DOCTOR LIU: Let me take your temperature.

DOCTOR LIU: Yes, your temperature is very high. You have the flu. Go home and stay in bed until you get better. Drink lots of tea.

ANTONY: Can you give me some medicine?

DOCTOR LIU: No. You just need to stay in bed and rest. I will give you something for your fever, though.


Imperatives are used to tell someone what to do.
Imperatives Negative imperatives
Eg: Go home and stay in bed. Eg: Don't go out!

3 Health problems

Look at the pictures and choose the correct option.

4 Giving advice

What's the matter with you? Read the sentences and match them with advice.

5 What's wrong with you? Crossword puzzle

Look at the pictures and fill in the crossword puzzle.