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4.5 Animals’ life

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1 Memory game

How many animals do you know? Play the memory game and find out.

2 Reading comprehension

Read the text about koalas and select True or False.

The koala bears live only in Australia. The funniest thing about koalas is that they are not bears or even related to bears. The word koala means “no drink” because koalas get everything from the leaves they eat. Koalas live in eucalyptus forests, and spend their lives in eucalyptus trees, also known as gum trees. They spend six hours a day eating eucalyptus leaves. And what do koalas do the rest of the time? It's easy, they sleep. When they are awake, they don’t like to spend time with other koalas. Nearly 4000 koalas die every year because of dogs or cars but the real danger are fires, pollution and people cutting trees. If you like these adorable animals, save trees and think green!

3 One word only

Fill in the gaps with one word only. Use: die, eucalyptus, koala, gum, time, bears.

4 They can't fly away, they can't run away

This year, there are bushfires in Australia. Trees disappear every day. Look at the YouTube video and select the correct answer from the dropdown menu.

The koalas are .

There are in Australia.

Koalas fly away from trees.

Koalas run from the fire.

To survive, koalas find a new home.


Can is used to express ability or to say that something is possible.
Can is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the third person (like other verbs)
Eg..A koala can climb trees.
Negative: A koala can't fly.

5 What can they do?

How much do you know about animals. What can they do? Read and select the correct answer.

The cheetah run fast.

The tiger see in the dark.

The blue whale run.

The brown bear sleep all winter.

The Asian elephant climb trees.

The red panda use a tail as a blanket.

The gorilla fly.

6 Finding animals

How many animals can you find? Play the game and find out.