Look at the phrases and decide whether they are things that teenagers would say for themselves or things that grown ups would say about them:
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje čitanjem kroz rješavanje različitih zadataka.
- Učenik opisuje svoj životni prostor.
- Učenik koristi pridjevske antonime u govoru i pisanju.
1 Who would say it?
2 Describe yourself
Describe yourself using the phrases from the previous exercise in the slides below. If you have learned new personality adjectives, write them down in your notebook.
3 Read and compare
Read an article about five teenagers and their ideas.
- Compare your ideas from exercise 1 with the text.
- Choose the right sentence.
Are teenagers really that bad?
A recent survey shows that teenagers are not the only ones to blame for their bad mood and lack of sleep. When we reach puberty our body clock changes and we can stay up longer at night, but we also need enough sleep so it would be perfect if the school would start at around 9 or 10 in the morning. Being moody and grumpy because of lack of sleep is only one of the problems most teenagers and parents state when being asked what teenagers are really like. Some parents also say that teenagers are obsessed with their mobile phones and spend too much time chatting online or playing games than studying or helping with housework.
What do teenagers say about themselves?

4 Who thinks that?
Read the article one more time and select the correct name. Who thinks that?
5 Opposite adjectives
Select the opposite adjective.
6 Complete the sentences
Complete the sentences with the adjectives from exercise 5:
1. I don't like people who always avoid taking risks and play it safe. I find them .
2. A good friend is someone who is always there for you when you need help. Friends like that are .
3. People who think that they know everything are very .
4. I find people if we can talk about different things and have a lot in common.
5. When my sister doesn't get enough sleep, she walks around the house all day long.
6. My grandpa is very . He always buys cheap presents.
7 A typical teenager
Think about a typical teenager in your country. Make notes in your notebook about his/her personality, likes and dislikes and then record your thoughts by using your mobile phone. Play your recording to your partner and talk to each other about your recordings.