Read the biography of a writer and answer the questions below.
- Učenik nakon čitanja biografije Roalda Dahla pokazuje razumijevanje odgovorima na postavljena pitanja i rješavanjem zadataka dopunjavanja rečenica.
- Učenik nakon slušanja i gledanja intervjua s Roaldom Dahlom pokazuje razumijevanje rješavanjem zadataka odabira točnih odgovora.
- Učenik predstavlja Roalda Dahla u govoru u trajanju od 3 minute.
- Učenik piše kratku priču prema generiranom naslovu, a uz pomoć oblaka riječi.
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje slušanjem odabirom točnog odgovora.
1 Roald Dahl
When was Roald Dahl born?
When did he die?
Where did he attend school?
Name three books written by Roald Dahl.
Which part of his biography impresses you the most?
2 About Dahl
Fill in the missing parts of Dahl's biography.
3 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Read the clues, guess the words and type them in the crossword puzzle.
4 From the writer's perspective
Look at the video interview with Dahl and answer the questions.
5 Choose the right answer
Read another set of questions and circle the correct answer.
6 Speaking
Talk about Roald Dahl for three minutes. Use the biography, the video as well as questions and answers. If you need more information look it up on the web. Record your speech using any mobile device and listen to it to assess yourself.
7 Writing
It's time for you to become a writer. Write a story, not longer than 200 words. Generate the title of your story on the following link:
When you do, make a word cloud on a separate piece of paper to help you develop some ideas.
8 Watch and choose
Watch the video and choose the correct answer for each sentence.
We have asked two teenagers about their reading habits and books in general, and here is what they had to say.
Aidan has never used a Kindle and for him, part of the pleasure of reading is the sensory experience of having a book in his hands, turning the pages, feeling and smelling them and sticking in a bookmark before putting the book away so he knows where to pick up next time!
AIDAN: Although I know that books are easily accessed online, I don't predict that we will be burning books or anything like that.
Sharon also doesn't think that books are a thing of the past.
They may come in different forms such as on electronic readers, there’s downloads from the internet or speakable text, but the basic purpose of a book is to provide some kind of in depth knowledge about a subject.
Contrary to popular belief, we cannot receive all the information we need on complex subjects through yahoo, book summaries, and other types of condensed information.
SHARON: If I have to choose, a book would always win, not computers or any other device.
9 Procjena usvojenosti ishoda jedinice
9.1 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Read the first chapter of one of the most famous children's books in the world written by Roald Dahl. Select True or False.
9.2 Vocabulary
Match the words to its definitions.
9.3 Fill in
Fill in the sentences. Be careful about the plurals.