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8.2 Celebrations around the world

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1 Months and dates

If a person was born on the first day of the last month in the year 2002, which date is this person's birthday? Write the date in American and British English. Before you do it, watch the video to revise the differences.

Be aware that not all countries express dates with numerals in the same way. American usage calls for a month/day/year date format (January 1st, 2000), the United Kingdom and much of Europe use a day/month/year format (1st January, 2000).

2 Practice

Write the dates in American and British English by following the digits. If you still need help, watch the video once again.

Date BE AE

3 Positive Thinking Day

Read about the Positive Thinking Day. Add one more suggestion on how to celebrate it to finish the text.

Positive Thinking Day is celebrated on 13th September of every year. It all started in the USA when an entrepreneur introduced this day to the public in 2003. It has been celebrated on this very day around the world ever since. If you are an optimist then this is the celebration that fits you, and if you aren’t maybe it is time to change your attitude towards the way you see or feel things. Positive Thinking Day is all about Can-do-attitude. The goal of positive thinking will most surely provide you with the influence of a long-term optimistic attitude. There is a saying that a negative mind will never achieve positive results. The pessimistic thoughts often appear as a result of long-term stress, and struggle faced by a person in daily life. The positive action combined with positive thinking will result in success. If you wonder how to celebrate Positive Thinking day here are 5 suggestions that may help:
1 Start your day with positive thinking by saying to yourself: “Today is going to be a super successful day!” Bright thoughts in the morning will actually set the tone of your entire day.
2 Focus on affirmations only. Start your day by making several I can do it sentences. Focus on the things that you can do rather than on the ones you can’t.
3 Read or watch something that makes you happy. It can be anything, from a blog to a YouTube video. The only condition is that it makes you smile.
4 Do something nice for someone. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing. You can do a simple chore to help out your family or send a motivational text to someone you like.
5 Show gratitude by saying thank you. How many times do you take things for granted? Don’t do it today. Say thank you to people who make you happy.
Word count: 0

4 Reading comprehension

Read the questions about the Positive Thinking Day. Select the correct answer.

5 Motivational notes

Write five motivational notes to yourself. Start every note with "I can" and don't forget to stay positive about yourself. Once you do it visit Canva and make a poster composed of your notes. You can display it in your school or home to help you stay positive until next year.

6 Morse Code Day

Did you know that Morse Code Day is also celebrated around the world? Listen to the audio and select True or False.

Morse Code Day is celebrated on January 11th every year. Even today, there is controversy about who created the Morse code: Samuel Morse or Alfred Vail. That is why it is celebrated on January 11th because in 1838, both Morse and Vail did the first public demonstration of the electric telegraph together.

In 1836, Samuel F. B. Morse was working on the code that changed the way the world transmitted information for good.

He developed the device and technology that served for communication until the radio became fully developed. Even then, radio was often used to transmit Morse code over long distances because even weak signals could carry a comprehensible message in Morse code. What they developed was a coded language that a human can translate by ear, without a decoder.

Originally, it was developed in English, but the alphabet has been modified for many other languages. It was used in aviation or radio and it can be transmitted using mirrors or flashlights. The most amazing thing about the Morse code is that it can help people with disabilities. Using the code, they can communicate by simple tapping, which makes the code extraordinary even today.

There is a controversy about who created the Morse code.

The Morse Code Day is celebrated on 11th January.

The first public demonstration happened in 1836.

The Morse code transmitted information over long distances.

The Morse code is a coded language that needs a decoder.

Messages can be transmitted by using flashlights or mirrors.

It doesn’t serve people with disabilities.

7 Write in Morse code

Write a message to your friend in Morse code using the following link. You can listen to it and even mail it to a chosen friend using the link.

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1 American or British

American or British English? Select the correct answer.

2 When were they born?

When were they born? Read and write the dates in British English. Use full sentences.

3 Months

Finish the sentences. Write the correct month of the year.