Solve the anagrams about some usual everyday activities:
- Učenik opisuje uobičajen dan, svoje hobije i interese.
- Učenik koristi glagol plus -ing ili infinitiv.
- Učenik opisuje svoje kupovne navike, govori što voli nositi, na što troši novac, kakvu odjeću voli nositi u određenim prigodama.
- Učenik imenuje odjeću koristeći širok raspon vokabulara.
1 Anagrams
a) uhbrsing oyur heett -
b) ttingeg ssederd -
c) vngahi a srowhe -
d) omcingb oyur airh -
2 Listen about Molly and Michael
Listen to Molly and Michael talk about the clothes they wear in different occasions. After listening, solve all the exercises below.

Hi everyone! My name is Molly. First, I would like to tell you something about myself.
I am a 17-year-old student and I live with my parents and my two brothers in Boston. We live in a house in the suburbs. Let me tell you something about my usual school day, as well as my hobbies and interests.
My day during the week usually starts at half past seven. I have to get up early because I take the bus to school and it takes me half an hour in the morning to leave my big, comfortable bed and get dressed for school. I never prepare my clothes the night before, so I’m always in a hurry.
My first class begins at 8 o’clock and I stay there until 3 o’clock. After lunch we usually have PE or arts so it’s never boring. I like exercising because it keeps me fit and healthy. After coming home, I usually chat to my friends online or talk to my parents while they cook dinner. Then I do my homework or read a book. I adore reading, although most of my friends hate it.
But what I like the most is fashion and I hope to have a job in the fashion industry one day. I don’t shop for clothes very often, but I surf the net for inspiration and carefully work on my own fashion designs. I especially like going to second hand shops with my friend Leon, another fashion enthusiast, where we look for vintage clothes which we work on to create something new and special.

In this photo, I am wearing my favourite black jeans, black trainers and a red hoodie.
I enjoy wearing comfortable clothes that also look good and stylish. I can’t stand wearing very tight jeans, I prefer the slim ones.
I don't like painting my nails, like some boys do, or wearing earrings or piercings, but I take special care of my hair. I usually put some styling gel in it because it looks smart and neat.
In the photo, Michael is wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie.
He enjoys wearing comfortable clothes.
He likes wearing skinny jeans.
He likes piercings and earrings.
He takes special care of his hair.

Molly, all dressed up
I like this photo very much because in it I am wearing my favourite vintage dress which I bought in a small second hand shop in London, while I was there with my parents.
I can’t afford to buy new glamorous dresses, but vintage ones are really special and beautiful. I needed to do some adjustments to the dress, but I didn’t have a problem with that because my mom helped me with sawing.
I avoid wearing jewellery during the week, but when I go out, I put on a necklace, some bracelets and rings and I then I feel great! I even put on some make-up when I want to look a bit more serious.
What is Molly wearing?
Where did she buy the dress?
Who helped her to make adjustments to the dress?
Why does she put on makeup?
Verb plus -ing form or verb plus to-infinitive |
After some verbs and verb phrases in English we usually use the -ing form of a verb. |
Some of those verbs and verb phrases are: hate, like, love, enjoy, prefer, can’t stand, don’t mind, avoid, consider, miss, spend time. |
example: I love reading books. |
After some verbs and verb phrases we usually use the to-infinitive. |
Some of those verbs and verb phrases are: would like, would prefer, want, can’t afford, agree, choose, decide, hope, manage, need, pretend, refuse. |
example: I would like to study English after secondary school. |
3 What about you?
Complete the sentences with information about you. 4 sentences need to be true and 2 sentences need to be false. Check your spelling with the check button.
1) I love... (-ing form)
2) I hope... (to + infinitive)
3) I need... (to + infinitive)
4) I spend a lot of time... (-ing form)
5) I can't stand... (-ing form)
6) I can't afford... (to + infinitive)
4 Questionnaire
Complete the sentences in the questionnaire about clothes.
a) I always spend a lot of time about what to wear to school.
b) I don’t want too much about the clothes I wear.
c) I usually wear the same clothes, as long as they are clean, I am fine.
a) I spend all the money I get from my parents on clothes.
b) I prefer my money on books, not clothes.
c) I can't afford all my money on clothes
4.3 BUY
a) I love new clothes every month.
b) I can't stand a lot of new clothes that I will never wear.
c) I only buy something when I really need it.
4.4 WEAR
a) I love jeans and trainers for school.
b) I need a uniform at my school.
c) I refuse fashionable clothes.
5 Random question
Look at the questions in the slide and anwer them in your notebook.