How much do you know about Mother Theresa? Read the text and select the country she lived in.
- Učenik pokazuje razumijevanje teksta rješavanjem i nadopunjavanjem, koristi do sada usvojene gramatičke strukture u govoru i pisanju te sudjeluje u grupnom radu.
1 Mother Theresa
2 Vocabulary
Match the words with the definitions.
3 Reading comprehension
Answer the questions. If you need help, read the text one more time.
4 International Day of Charity
When do we celebrate the International Day of Charity? Watch the video and write the date.
International Day of Charity
The International Day of Charity is celebrated all over the world on 5th September.
The prime mission of this day is to raise awareness and provide a common platform for charity-related activities.
The charity-related activities are for individuals, charitable, philanthropic and volunteer organizations to fulfull their own local, national, regional and international purposes.
The International Day of Charity's concept was proposed by the Hungarian Government.
Their goal behind the initiative was to increase solidarity, social responsibility, and public support for the charity.
The Hungarian proposal came to a resolution in the UN General Assembly by consensus on 17th December 2011.
Altogether 44 UN member states supported the resolution to designate 5th September as the International Day of Charity.
The exact day on "September 5th" was influenced by Mother Teresa's death anniversary.
She received Nobel Peace Prize for working to overcome poverty and distress.
Charities all over the world help to improve people's lives, fight disease, educate people and give them hope.
This day is celebrated by organizing different programs and encouraging people to donate money and time to charitable causes.
5 Listening comprehension I
Watch the video again, then read the sentences and fill in what is missing.
Use: charitable, anniversary, solidarity, raise awareness, resolution, disease, General Assembly, Hungarian.
6 Listening comprehension II
Watch the video again, then read the sentences and select True or False.
7 Writing
There are many charity organisations around the world and they all do different things. Search the web to find out more about different organisations. Then, create your own charity organisation and write about it in 100 words. Give your organisation a name and describe what or who does it stand for. Check your spelling when you finish.