Look at the list of qualities and choose three to describe the ideal exchange student and explain why.
Interested in the same things as you
Good at sport
Kind and generous
Good looking/handsome
Serious and reliable
Outgoing and sociable
Check your spelling with the check button.
2 Decide who
Read the sentences and decide which of these people would be a good exchange student for you and think why that is the case. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. I am crazy about football and could watch football matches all the time!
2. I adore animals, especially lizards and spiders.
3. I am crazy about metal music! The louder, the better!
4. I am a cheerful person, but there are days when I am moody.
5. I spend a lot of time in front of TV eating snacks.
6. I love studying! Science and Maths are my favorite subjects.
3 Sort the topics
Read the email from Federico, an exchange student from Spain, to Jason, his future host. After reading, put the topics that he writes about in the email next to the appropriate paragraph.
To: Jason
Subject: See you! :)
4 Sort the phrases
Sort the phrases into two different columns, one for those that are used in the opening of the email and one for those that are used in the closing part.
When you write a personal email, always start with a friendly greeting, like Hi there or Dear Jack because you are writing to a person that you know well.
Since you are writing to a friend or a member of your family, you can use contractions instead of full forms. Use I'm instead of I am, as well as he's or she's instead of he is or she is.
When you are giving information about yourself, use phrases like I'm interested in or I'm good at.
Remember to ask the person you are writing to some questions about him or her in order to get a reply, like What do you usually do at the weekend?, What are your plans for the summer holidays?
Always finish your email with a friendly goodbye by using phrases or sentences like Write back soon!, All the best!, Talk to you soon! or See you soon.
Now it's your turn to write!
Begin your email with a friendly greeting:
Dear Jack/Hi Mark/Hi there
If emails are informal, you can use contractions instead of full forms:
I’m (not I am); he’s (not he is)
Use phrases like I’m good at… or I’m interested in….
To give basic information about yourself
Always ask some questions in order to get a reply:
What do you usually do at the weekend?
Finish your email with a friendly goodbye:
Write back soon!/All the best!/Talk to you soon!/See you soon!
5 Answer the questions
Miles, a teenager from Brighton has just sent you an email. You are going to stay with him and his family in their house while attending an English course at a local language school. For additional info you can use this link to a Wikipedia article about Brighton.
Read one part of his email and write your reply to Miles.
From: Miles
Subject: Greetings!
I am super excited that you are going to spend two weeks with me and my family. I would like to know something about you. What do you do in your free time? Do you play a sport? What music and films do you like? What is your school day like?
6 Write to Miles
Write your email in 100 to 150 words. When writing, remember to include these points:
Thank Miles for his email.
Tell him that you are happy about spending time with him and his family.
Tell him something about the music and films you like.
Write about your free time activities (hobbies, sports).
Write about your school and your school day.
Ask Miles about his interests and free time activities.
Finish the email with a friendly goodbye.
Check your spelling with the check button.
Write a real email using your email account and send it to your partner, or if you feel adventurous, try to find a penfriend from a foreign country and send the email to him/her.
If you want to, you can write your email here, then check your spelling with the check button.